云梦县是湖北省重要兵员基地之一,具有25年无责任退兵的光荣历史。截止去年,该县共为国家输送2.6万名合格兵员,今年,云梦县在继承过去好的一套做法的基础上,采取交叉联审,内查外调等办法,严格政审,确保为军队输送优质兵员。 接受征兵任务后,云梦各级党委、政府和兵役机关立即抽调180名思想好、责任心强、有工作经验的公安干警、人武干部、乡村干部组成13个政审工作班子,按照《严格征集兵员政治审查工作意见》、《征兵政治审查组织实施工作的规定》、《应征公民政治审查表》、《严格征兵工作纪律若干规定》和《云梦县征兵工作责任书》的要求,对应征适龄青年报名登记、文化审查、体格检查、政治审查、定兵教育实行责任包干到底,严格实行谁审查、谁签字、谁负责,做到政治责任到人到位。
Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, is one of the important base of soldiers, with 25 years of honorable history of non-responsable retreat. As of last year, the county delivered a total of 26,000 qualified troops to the country. This year, on the basis of inheriting the good practices of the past, Yunmeng County adopted a cross-examination and cross-examination and internal inspection and other measures to ensure rigorous political examination and ensure delivery to the armed forces High-quality soldiers. After receiving the task of conscription, all party committees, governments and military service agencies at all levels of Yunmeng immediately deployed 180 political and police team members with good thinking, strong sense of responsibility and work experience, and 13 cadres from the political, Opinions on Calling for Political Review of Soldiers, Provisions on the Implementation of the Process of Recruiting Political Review, Requests for Citizens’ Political Review, Several Provisions on the Work of Strictly Recruiting and the Letter of Responsibility for Recruiting in Yunmeng County, Youth age registration, cultural examination, physical examination, political examination, military education and implementation of responsibility package in the end, strictly implemented who review, who signed, who is responsible for, to achieve political responsibility to the people in place.