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1934年发起的中国民族武装自卫委员会是根据中共驻共产国际代表团的意见,由宋庆龄出面组织的一个群众性的革命组织。1933年宋庆龄在组织国民御侮自救会时的出色表现引起了共产国际的高度关注。同年10月27日中共驻共产国际执行委员会代表王明、康生给中共中央政治局的信中提出了以“中华人民救国御侮会”名义起草的《中国人民对日作战的基本纲领》,并明确要求由宋庆龄等名流共同签名作为这个纲领及该会的发起人和赞成人。次年4月20日中共临时中央将上述来信稍加改动下发,其中最重要的改动是将“中华人民救国御侮会”的署名改为“中国民族武装自卫委员会筹备会”。是日午夜,中国民族武装自卫委员会筹备会议召开,宋庆龄任筹备委员会会长,宣布了《中国人民对日作战基本纲领》。6月20日在共产国际执行委员会远东局的催促下,经过中国共产党的协调,中国民族武装自卫会筹委会起草了《中国民族武装自卫会为对日作战宣言》。9月21日在红军长征前夕,《红色中华》首次公开发表了《基本纲领》和《宣言》。1936年7月武卫会总会和上海分会的组织遭到破坏。9月3日宋庆龄、章乃器联名发表《为中国人民自卫会事告大众》后,武装自卫会实际上停止了活动,其推动抗日救亡运动的工作由宋庆龄参加的全国救国会所取代。 The Chinese National Armed Self-Defense Committee initiated in 1934 is a mass revolutionary organization organized by Soong Ching Ling, based on the opinions of the Chinese delegation to the Communist International. In 1933, Soong Ching Ling’s outstanding performance in organizing the national self-help and self-help society aroused the great concern of the Comintern. On October 27, the same year, on behalf of Wang Ming and Kang Sheng, the CPC Central Committee’s Executive Committee put forward the “Basic Program for Fighting Japan by the Chinese People” drafted in the name of “the Chinese people save the country against imperialism and society” in his letter to the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. And explicitly requested that celebrities, including Soong Ching Ling, jointly sign this program as well as sponsors and approvers of the association. On April 20 of the following year, the Provisional Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party sent a slight change to the above letter. The most important change was to change the signature of “Chinese people to save the country from being guarded” to “Preparatory Committee of the Armed Self-Defense Committee of China”. It was at midnight that the preparatory meeting for the Armed Self-Defense Committee of China was held. Soong Ching Ling served as the chairman of the preparatory committee and announced the “Basic Plan for Combating the Chinese People against Japan.” On June 20, under the urging of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Executive Committee of the Communist International and through coordination of the CPC, the Preparatory Committee of the Chinese National Armed Self-defensive Committee drafted the Declaration of Armed Self-Defense of China on Combating Japan. On September 21, on the eve of the Long March of the Red Army, “Red China” made its first public announcement of the “Basic Program” and “Declaration.” In July 1936, the organization of the Association of the General Assembly of Wavow and Shanghai Branch was destroyed. On Sept. 3, Soong Ching Ling and Zhang Nai-chu jointly announced that they will report to the general public on the issue of self-defense for the Chinese people. However, armed self-defense will actually stop its activities and its work to promote the anti-Japanese national salvation movement will be replaced by Soong Ching Ling’s National Salvation Association.
7月21日,省第十一届人民政府在贵阳召开第三次全体会议。 会议要求,要围绕实现年初确定的各项目标任务。着眼当前、谋划长远,重点抓好夯实发展基础、转变发展方式、加强社会管理