世界顶级摄影大师迈克尔·弗里曼(Michael Freeman)受影像视觉的邀约来到中国,与4个城市的影友分享了怎样用图片讲故事的经验。迈克尔·弗里曼是享誉国际的英国摄影师和摄影书作家,本刊曾在2014年5月刊的名家栏目对其摄影职业生涯做过具体的介绍。近日,本刊邀请到弗里曼在北京、上海、杭州、成都进行了四城巡讲,与四地影友分享了他独到的摄影见解与经验。在这次巡讲当中,迈克尔·弗里曼和大家探讨了摄影的表达形式在影像故事中的作用与实践技巧,通过各种精
Michael Freeman, the world’s leading photographer, came to China with the invitation of video vision to share the experience of using pictures to tell stories with filmmakers in four cities. Michael Freeman is an internationally acclaimed British photographer and photo-book writer who gave a detailed introduction to his photography career in his May 2014 column. In recent days, the magazine invited Freeman to conduct a tour of the four cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Chengdu, sharing his unique insights and experience in photography with friends from all over the world. In this tour, Michael Freeman explored the role and practical skills of photographic forms of expression in video stories,