
来源 :河南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Youmi8787
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河南省农科院植保所承担的国家“七五”攻关项目小麦病虫害综合防治技术验收会,于1990年5月18日至20日在漯河举行。验收会由中国农科院植保所主持,市有关领导、专家和科技人员参加了会议。验收组专家实地考察了临颍县综防示范区并听取了温县示范区和各项专题研究工作汇报。专家们一致认为临颍和温县似地综防区技术配套合理,经济、社会和生态效益显著,达到了计划要求的各项指标。各项专题研究选题准确,研究较深入。在小麦品种与小麦白粉菌相互作用关系研究、小麦赤霉病研究、小麦品种混合种植对病害流行及产量影响研究、条锈、叶锈和白粉病混合发生研究、小麦白粉病损失估计和防治指标的研究以及小麦蚜虫生命 Plant Protection Institute of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences assumed responsibility for the “Seventh Five-Year” project of comprehensive management of pests and diseases of wheat acceptance meeting, in 1990 May 18 to 20 held in Luohe. Acceptance will be hosted by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences plant protection, city leaders, experts and scientific and technological personnel attended the meeting. Inspection team of experts inspected the field of comprehensive prevention Linying County demonstration area and listened to the Wen County demonstration area and the various special studies report. Experts agreed that Linying and Wenxian comprehensive protection zone like a reasonable technology, economic, social and ecological benefits significantly, reaching the program requirements of the indicators. Thematic topics are accurate, more in-depth research. Study on the Interaction between Wheat Varieties and Wheat Powdery Mildew, Study on Wheat Scab, Study on the Influence of Wheat Varieties Mixed Planting on Disease Epidemic and Yield, Study on the Mixture of Stripe Rust, Leaf Rust and Powdery Mildew, Estimation of Wheat Powdery Mildew and Control Index Research and wheat aphid life