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党的十八大报告指出,三农问题是全党工作重中之重,要推动城乡发展一体化,加快发展现代农业。而创意农业正是传统农业向现代农业转型的最佳方式,成都市创意农业发展已初见成效。文章归纳总结了成都创意农业旅游发展的四种模式,并针对创意农业的旅游发展存在的问题,提出了成都创意农业旅游发展的优化升级策略。创意农业最先起源于20世纪30年代的西方国家,20世纪70年代得到大规模发展。我国内地创意农业起步于20世纪90年代,成都市创意农业经过不断发展,现已逐步形成具有高效农 The report of the 18th CPC National Congress pointed out that the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the top priority of the whole party’s work and that it is necessary to promote the integration of urban and rural areas and speed up the development of modern agriculture. Creative agriculture is the best way to transform traditional agriculture into modern agriculture. The development of creative agriculture in Chengdu has achieved initial success. This paper summarizes four modes of the development of creative agricultural tourism in Chengdu and proposes the strategy of optimizing and upgrading the development of creative agricultural tourism in Chengdu in light of the existing problems in the development of creative agriculture. Creative agriculture first originated in the western countries in the 1930s and developed in a large scale in the 1970s. Creative agriculture in mainland China started in the 1990s, and the creative agriculture in Chengdu has undergone continuous development. Now it has gradually formed a high-efficiency agriculture
通过对新型非对称齿形齿轮泵与对称齿形齿轮泵的分析比较,指出了提高齿轮泵工作效率之途径。 By analyzing and comparing the new asymmetrical gear pump and symmetrical
8月21日,青奥会高尔夫冠、亚、季军分别是韩国LEE Soyoung、中华台北程思嘉、泰国SANGCHANSupamas。韩国女选手三天均以强劲的优势保持领先,特别是最后一天,打出65杆的好成绩
《咬文嚼字》1996年第4辑刊有《何谓“连中三元”》(以下简称《连》)一文说,殿试“是最高一级的考试,因考场设在奉天殿或文华殿而得 “Bite the word” In 1996 the fourth
扔掉耳挖勺 戒掉电话煲粥  3月3日是全国爱耳日,可您知道吗,这保护耳朵可得从日常生活做起。甭管是使劲擤鼻涕、长时间听耳机还是习惯性掏耳朵,这些都是不健康的小习惯,一个不注意没准儿就让耳朵“很受伤”。  特邀专家 徐金操  第二炮兵总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科主任,副主任医师。  耳朵的结构  耳朵的结构分为外耳、中耳、内耳三部分。人的耳朵就像盘子一样收集声波,声波在传到耳道的过程中被放大,引起中耳细小