贵州省纳雍县主家寨职业中学内高燕,承包外祖母闲置的3亩多耕地及庭院。推行“大棚温室矮化密植香椿高产新技术”,年产香椿2600多公斤,加上售种苗,年收入达2万元,成为当地小有名气的“香椿王”。香椿是一种木本野生蔬菜,风味独特,营养丰富,药食两用,有清热解毒、止血、上泻、消炎、祛风等功效;既可鲜销,又可干制外运,尤受人们的青睐。待业青年高燕瞄准了这一势头,在家乡率先规模发展起香椿种植业。她的方案是: 1、科学育苗。香椿在秋末冬初采种,春季(最佳播种期)播种。她先将种子磁化处理后再下土,发芽率得
Guizhou Province, Naxi County, the main vocational school Zhaoyan Gao Yan, contracting grandmother idle more than 3 acres of arable land and gardens. The implementation of “greenhouse greenhouse dwarf close planting toon high-yielding new technology,” with an annual output of Toona more than 2,600 kilograms, plus the sale of seedlings, annual income of 20,000 yuan, becoming the little famous “toon king.” Toon is a woody wild vegetables, unique flavor, nutrient-rich, edible, detoxification, hemostasis, diarrhea, anti-inflammatory, expelling wind and other effects; both fresh and dry Sinotrans, especially People’s favor. Gao Yan, awaiting young unemployed, aimed at this momentum and pioneered the development of Toona sinensis planting industry in his hometown. Her program is: 1, scientific nursery. Toon in early autumn and winter harvest, spring (the best sowing date) sowing. She first seed the soil after the next magnetic treatment, germination rate