Epstein-Barr 病毒感染(EBV)常见的神经病学表现包括脑膜脑炎、Guillain-Barre 综合征与Bell 氏麻痹。其它神经障碍少见,如舌下神经瘫、小脑性共济失调、横贯性脊髓炎、周围神经病及Reye 氏综合征。作者报道出现罕见的神经病学表现,血清学证实为活动性EBV 感染2例。例1:女性,14岁。突发左侧肢体力弱,感觉异常数小时,伴右侧剧烈头痛、畏光及呕吐入院。检查发现左侧重度偏瘫,感觉减退及腱反射亢进。无发热,数小时后缓解。当日晚又出现右前额部疼痛及左侧肢体瘫,一夜后除左面肌力弱外,其余症状均缓解。入院第2天出现全身性强直阵挛性癫痫
Common neurological manifestations of Epstein-Barr virus infection (EBV) include meningoencephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and Bell’s paralysis. Other neurological disorders are rare, such as sublingual nerve palsy, cerebellar ataxia, transverse myelitis, peripheral neuropathy and Reye’s syndrome. The authors reported a rare neurological presentation that serologically confirmed 2 cases of active EBV infection. Example 1: Female, 14 years old. Sudden left limb weakness, feeling abnormal number of hours, with severe right headache, photophobia and vomiting admitted to hospital. Examination revealed severe left hemiplegia, sensory loss and tendon hyperreflexia. No fever, ease after a few hours. On the evening of the same night, there was pain in the right forehead and paralysis of the left limb. After overnight, except for weakness of the left facial muscle, the rest of the symptoms were relieved. On the second day of hospitalization, there was generalized tonic clonic epilepsy