【摘 要】
同学们,请你们两人一组,事先不要读故事。其中一个人按照横线下面的提示讓另一个人想出一个单词,然后由第一个人填在横线上。最后,一起大声朗读,欣赏你们的杰作吧! Lucy is a/an _______ rabbit. She has long _______ and a/an _______ tail. One day,she is looking for _______ in the _____
Lucy is a/an _______ rabbit. She has long _______ and a/an _______ tail. One day,she is looking for _______ in the _______ . Then a/an _______ jumps out,“I will eat you!” Lucy is not scared(害怕的). She says,“Dear,I want to give you a _______ gift.
It tastes like _______ .” Lucy picks up a_______mushroom on the ground. The _______ eats it. “Oh no! My _______ hurts. I’m dead!” he shouts and runs away.
Are there aliens(外星人)? The movie Home(《疯狂外星人》) says yes. The Boov are aliens. They live on a planet(行星). One day,their enemies(敵人) destroy(毁灭) the planet. So the Boov have to(不得不) find a new planet. T
同学们有去过农场吗?农场里都有什么动物呢?鸡、鸭、鹅、牛、马、羊?快来填一填,写一写吧,看看你们都写对了没有! 同学们,请你们两人一组,事先不要读故事,第一个人按照横线下面的提示让另一个人想出一个单词,然后填在横线上。最后,一起大声朗读,欣赏你們的杰作吧!
Nu Lu is a baby Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊). Her mother died in the middle of migrating(迁徙). Nu Lu is alone(独自的). He wants to go home. But he doesn’t know where his home is. Soon,he meets a mouse and a bir
又是一年清明节——中国人祭祖、扫墓的日子。而与中国远隔着一个太平洋的墨西哥,他们的亡灵节虽在习俗上与我们的清明节大不相同,但主题是一样的,都是为了供奉,为了记忆,为了团聚。 Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don’t let it make you cry For even if I’m far away I ho
Work while you work, Play while you play. That is the way To be cheerful and gay. Whatever you do, Do with your might. Things done by halves Are never done right. (安 妮/摘編)
There are many wonders(奇迹) in the world. They’re amazing(神奇的). Nature(大自然) makes many wonders. People make wonders,too! Let’s start from the Great Wall of our country. About 2,000 years ago,there wer
本期剧场将带来木偶匹诺曹的故事。孤独的工匠Geppetto制作了小木偶匹诺曹。在仙女的帮助下,匹诺曹一夜之间变成了一个有生命的木偶。后来,他经历了种种诱惑与选择,慢慢成长为一个真正的好少年。他到底经历了什么呢?请欣赏泰州市民兴实验中学小学部同学们的精彩表演吧! 王子心 王政羲 卢奕然 许诗韵 袁顺琪 许嘉诚 姚子安 刘玉峰 陶欣然 臧懿睿 In a small village,there w
I am a student from Jie Pai Primary School. I am 12 years old. I like reading in my daily life. Every morning I get up early and read books with my little sister. Reading helps us become more knowledg
這一天,天气晴朗,小猴待在家里觉得有点无聊,决定出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气。他刚离家不远,就遇到了可爱的麋鹿。温馨小贴示 “给某人送去某物”:take sth. to sb. / take sb. sth.温馨小贴示 1. “给某人带来某物”:bring sth. to sb. / bring sb. sth. 2. 两个并列的连接,肯定句中用and连接,否定句中用or连接。 麋鹿:老虎是出了名
有两只非常要好的老鼠,一只住在城里,一只住在乡下。一天,城里老鼠再也忍受不了城市里糟糕的空气和受污染的食物,它决定去投靠乡下老鼠。 乡下老鼠很自豪地说:“我们乡下空气清新,食物绿色环保,欢迎来这里定居!” 说着,它先把城里老鼠领到了自己家门口,“看,这是我自己亲手种植的蔬菜和水果。” 城市老鼠:How fresh the vegetables and fruits are! 多新鲜的蔬菜和水