本研究的目的意在考察二语课堂上情绪对学习者二语写作创新产生的影响。作者使用了Watson(1988年)设计的“PANAS”问卷、学生个人信息问卷(Bio-information Questionnaire)、内测情绪问卷(Implicit Mood Questionnaire)和SPSS19.0人文社会科学统计学软件等实验工具,结合某一短时课堂写作测试和一学年的长时课堂写作训练对某重点大学非英语专业一年级的部分学生进行实证研究。实验结果表明:瞬时情绪、长时情绪都与受试的二语写作创新成绩显著相关。但与瞬时情绪相比,培养学习者的长时情绪在教学实践中更有实际意义。教师需要在日常教学中更多激发学生对二语写作创新形成长时情绪。研究者将兴趣、二语提高动力等因素和情绪因素一起作为预测自变量,将二语创新成绩作为因变量进行多元线性回归分析,发现三者均与二语写作创新相关,但是积极情感的模型拟合优度最好,这一结果表明教师有必要将培养积极情绪当做日后二语创新教学活动的重点。
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of mood on learners’ second language writing innovation in second language class. The authors used experimental tools such as the “PANAS” questionnaire designed by Watson (1988), Bio-information Questionnaire, Implicit Mood Questionnaire and SPSS19.0 humanities and social science statistics software , Combined with a short-term classroom writing test and one-year long class writing training to conduct empirical research on some of the first-year non-English major students in a key university. The experimental results show that instantaneous emotion and long-term emotion are significantly correlated with the second-class written innovation achievements. However, compared with the instantaneous emotion, cultivating the long-term emotion of the learner is more practical in teaching practice. Teachers need more daily teaching to stimulate students to second language writing innovation to create long-term mood. The researchers used the factors of interest and second language motivation as the predictive variables and the second-language innovation scores as the dependent variable for multiple linear regression analysis, and found that all three were related to second language writing innovation. However, positive emotion model The goodness of fit is the best. This result shows that it is necessary for teachers to focus on cultivating positive emotions as the second language teaching activities in the future.