悉尼奥运会的脚步声愈来愈近,这是新旧世纪交替之际的一次奥运盛会,它将不同种族、不同肤色、不同国籍、不同信仰的人群聚在一起,“手拉手”地站在五环旗下,显示出其强大的生命感召力。然而,令人遗憾的是,兴奋剂的热门话题,也将引起世人瞩目。 所谓兴奋剂,是指参与体育比赛的运动员,采用某些药物或生理物质,以及应用其他不正当手段,企图增强或辅助增强自身体能或控制能力,以达到提高比赛成绩和战胜对手的目的。有些运动员在名利驱使下,往往铤而走险,滥用兴奋剂,其品种不断增多,国际奥委会的禁用药物目录已达100余种。它分为六类:一是精神刺激剂,如麻黄素、可卡因、苯丙胺等;二是合成类固醇,如睾丸素(睾酮)、康
The footsteps of the Sydney Olympic Games are getting closer and closer. This is an Olympic event that takes place between the old and new century. It brings together people of different races, different colors, different nationalities and different faiths and stands hand in hand on the rings Its flag shows its powerful life charisma. However, it is regrettable that the hot topic of stimulants will also attract worldwide attention. The term “stimulant” refers to an athlete participating in a sporting event, using certain drugs or physical substances, and applying other improper means in an attempt to enhance or assist in strengthening his or her physical or control ability so as to enhance the competition result and defeat the opponent. Driven by fame and fortune, some athletes often take the risk and abuse their stimulants. Their varieties have been increasing constantly. The IOC’s banned drug list has reached more than 100 species. It is divided into six categories: First, mental stimulants such as ephedrine, cocaine, amphetamines, etc .; Second, synthetic steroids, such as testosterone (testosterone), health