介绍了日本北海道铁路公司与川崎重工业公司共同开发的空气弹簧车体倾斜系统的结构原理及试验结果。该系统采用车载陀螺仪和加速度仪来检测曲线 ,使外轨侧空气弹簧膨胀 ,从而使车体向曲线内侧倾斜。在确保乘坐舒适性的条件下 ,可实现以基本速度 + 2 5km/h的速度通过半径 6 0 0m以上的曲线。该系统被认为是适宜于今后高速机车车辆应用的低成本、高性能车体倾斜控制系统。
The structural principle and test results of the air spring body tilt system jointly developed by Japan’s Hokkaido Railway Company and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. are introduced. The system uses a car gyroscope and accelerometer to detect the curve, so that the outer rail side of the air spring expansion, so that the body to the inside of the curve tilt. In ensuring the comfort of riding under the conditions of the speed can be achieved at basic speed +2 5km / h through more than 600m radius curve. The system is considered to be suitable for high-speed rolling stock applications in the future low-cost, high-performance body tilt control system.