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从1984年肇始,泉州市房地产业走过了20多个春秋,其发展的历程贯穿了泉州市城市化进程和经济社会发展的始终,既顺应了改革开放的大潮,也是全市经济社会实现从落后到领先、起步到跨越的印证,充分体现了泉州人“爱拼敢赢”的精神。“十一五”以来,泉州市累计完成房地产开发投资额418.88亿元,比“十五”同期增长171.38%,占全社会固定资产投资总额的16%,房地产开发投资连续多年保持高速增长,年平均增长率达24.6%。其中2008年,全市房地产业实现开发投资额132.67亿元,同比增长15.52%,占同期城镇固定资产投资总量的17.04%,占全市GDP总量的4.9%。收入房地产业税收19.89亿元,占同期财政收入的7.55%;城镇住宅成套率达92%,城镇人均住房建筑面积48.95平方米,实现物业管理面积2265万平方米。全市有房地产开发企业531家,其中一、二级资质企业28家。物业管理企业219家,一、二级资质企业7家。全市房地产从业人员20多万人。 From the beginning of 1984, Quanzhou real estate industry has gone through more than 20 years of spring and autumn, its development process runs through the process of urbanization and economic and social development in Quanzhou, not only conforms to the tide of reform and opening up, but also the city’s economic and social backwardness To the leading, starting to cross the proof, fully embodies Quanzhou “love fight dare to win,” the spirit. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, Quanzhou has completed a total investment of 41.888 billion yuan in real estate development, an increase of 171.38% over the same period of the “15th Five-Year Plan” and accounting for 16% of the total social investment in fixed assets. Investment in real estate development has been maintained for many years in succession High-speed growth, the average annual growth rate of 24.6%. In 2008, the real estate investment in the city reached 13.267 billion yuan, an increase of 15.52% over the same period of previous year, accounting for 17.04% of the total investment in urban fixed assets in the same period, accounting for 4.9% of the city’s total GDP. Income tax of 1.989 billion yuan real estate industry, accounting for 7.55% of revenue over the same period; urban housing package rate of 92%, urban per capita housing construction area of ​​48.95 square meters, to achieve the property management area of ​​22650000 square meters. There are 531 real estate development enterprises in the city, including 28 first and second-grade qualified enterprises. 219 property management companies, one or two qualified enterprises 7. The city’s real estate practitioners more than 20 million people.
某日早上,某中型文具生产企业的行政部经理急冲冲地跑进总经理办公室,向总经理汇报厕所冲不干净,希望可以装配水箱加压装置。  总经理听后大怒:“厕所冲不干净都来找我?”行政部陈经理赶忙解释说:“我已经多次和集团工程总监反映水压不够的问题,但工程总监坚持认为是使用厕所的人没有冲水,而不是新办公楼的水压问题,反而埋怨我们行政部没有做好卫生宣传工作。”  听后,总经理立刻委派助理到厕所进行实地“考察”,并以
采用正交试验法对舒喉宁喷雾剂的制备工艺进行优选试验。选择煎煮次数、煎煮时间、醇沉次数、加水量 4个因素 ,每个因素各取 3个水平 ,按 L 9(34)正交表安排实验 ,用 2个指标