新编Go for it教材图文并茂,版面设计充满新意,在内容和结构方面更富有创意,更具时代感,也更贴近学生的生活;实用性强,紧扣不同年龄阶段学生的生理特征、认知特点和生活经验;注重交际能力的培养,充分贯彻《英语新课程标准》倡导的任务型教学理念。但Go for it教材给教师普遍有一种感觉就是教材散,中心不容易抓住。教材中所安排的活
The new Go for it textbooks are illustrated with texts and pictures. The layout design is full of new ideas. It is more creative and more contemporary in terms of content and structure. It is also closer to students’ lives. It is practical and closely related to students’ physiological characteristics and cognition at different ages. Characteristics and life experience; Emphasizing the cultivation of communicative competence, fully implementing the task-based teaching concept advocated in the “New English Curriculum Standards”. However, the Go for it teaching material generally gives teachers a feeling that the textbook is scattered and the center is not easy to grasp. The activities arranged in the textbook