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通过对国家标准《砌体结构工程施工规范GB 50924-2014》的主要内容、编制原则及先进性进行阐述的同时,重点分析研究了砌体结构工程施工中砌筑砂浆使用时间、砌块相对含水率、后置拉结筋及施工质量控制等级对工程质量的影响程度,并结合工程实践调查结果,将对砌体结构施工质量影响较大的主要技术内容在标准中进行了相应的规定.对标准中主要技术内容进行分析研究,便于工程技术人员对该标准内容理解和执行,以在工程施工中做到技术先进、工艺合理、施工安全和节能环保,并在该标准实施中确保与其他相关标准间的协调统一,确保砌体结构工程的施工质量. Through the main content of the national standard “masonry structure engineering construction specification GB 50924-2014”, the compiling principle and the advanced nature are elaborated at the same time, the author mainly analyzes and studies the masonry structure engineering construction using time, masonry relative water content Rate, post-tensioning and construction quality control level of project quality impact degree, combined with engineering practice survey results, the masonry structure of the main construction quality of the major technical content in the standard for the corresponding provisions of the Standard in the main technical analysis and research to facilitate engineers and technicians to understand the contents of the standard and implementation to achieve advanced technology in the construction, technology and reasonable, construction safety and energy saving and environmental protection, and in the implementation of the standard to ensure that other relevant Standardization of the coordination between the masonry structure to ensure the quality of construction projects.
目的研究2种商品化包埋料Cristo balite MicroⅡ和Cristo Quick的膨胀性能及其对铸件精度的影响。方法选用传统型石膏基包埋料Cristo balite MicroⅡ和快速加热型石膏基包埋
<正>【目的】慢性肾脏病(CKD)患者早期就已经存在矿物质和骨代谢紊乱,并可贯穿于肾功能衰竭的全过程。因此,从 CKD 早期就应采取措施进行防治,从而改善其生活质量和延长生命
目的了解慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)就医行为现状,探索产生不同就医行为的原因,分析COPD患者就医行为的影响因素,为下一步引导COPD