目的分析西安市流行性腮腺炎流行病学特征,探讨西安市流行性腮腺炎防控策略。方法对2005-2014年西安市流行性腮腺炎发病情况进行描述性分析。结果 2005-2014年西安市共报告流行性腮腺炎病例43 849例,年平均发病率为53.58/10万,2011年最高达130.06/10万;春末夏初、冬季出现两个发病高峰;15岁以下年龄组报告病例数占总病例数的83.72%;发病人群职业主要为学生和幼托儿童;腮腺炎突发公共卫生事件多发生在小学。结论西安市流行性腮腺炎防控形势比较严峻,要进一步加强对流行性腮腺炎的监测和暴发疫情的规范处置,提高重点人群的腮腺炎疫苗接种率。加大各级学校流行性腮腺炎疫情监测力度,及时发现疫情并采取应急接种措施,控制疫情暴发。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of mumps in Xi’an and to explore the prevention and control strategies of mumps in Xi’an. Methods Descriptive analysis was made on the incidence of mumps in Xi’an from 2005 to 2014. Results A total of 43 849 cases of mumps were reported in Xi’an from 2005 to 2014, with an average annual incidence of 53.58 / 100 000 and a peak of 130.06 / 100 000 in 2011. In late spring and early summer, there were two peak incidences in winter; 15 The number of reported cases in the age group of less than three years accounted for 83.72% of the total number of cases; the incidence of occupational groups mainly for students and child care workers; mumps public health emergencies occur in primary schools. Conclusions The situation of mumps prevention and control in Xi’an is rather serious. It is necessary to further strengthen the standardization of monitoring and outbreak of mumps and increase the mumps vaccination rate in key populations. We will step up efforts to monitor mumps epidemics at all levels of schools, detect the outbreak in time, and take emergency vaccination measures to control outbreaks.