打造绿色家园 建设生态柳林

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柳林县位于晋西吕梁山西麓、黄河东岸,辖8镇7乡257个行政村,人口33.60万,其中农业人口27.80万,国土总面积12.87万公顷。现有林业用地面积8.08万公顷,占国土总面积的62.76%,森林覆盖率28.84%,林木绿化率35%。近年来,该县拓展新思路、开创新机制,坚持大投入、实施大战略,造林绿化成绩显著。一、拓展思路,推进以煤补林柳林县是一个依托煤炭资源优势快速发展起来的县份,在经济快速发展的同时,煤炭开采对生态造成了巨大破坏,为从根本上扭转这一局势,县委、县政府从自身的优势出发,本着“谁污染、谁治理”的原则,树立“挖地下黑色资源,建地上绿色宝库”的理 Liulin County is located in the western foot of Luliangshan Shanxi Province, the east coast of the Yellow River, administer 8 towns 7 townships 257 administrative villages, population 336000, of which agricultural population 27800, total area of ​​12878 hectares. The existing land area of ​​80,800 hectares of forestry, accounting for 62.76% of the total land area, the forest coverage rate of 28.84%, afforestation rate of 35%. In recent years, the county to develop new ideas, create new mechanisms, adhere to large investment, the implementation of grand strategy, afforestation significantly. First, to expand ideas and promote the use of coal Linling County is a county relying on the rapid development of coal resources advantage, rapid economic development at the same time, coal mining has caused tremendous damage to the ecology, in order to fundamentally reverse this situation, County Party Committee, the county government from its own advantages, in line with “who pollutes, who govern ” principle, establish “dig underground black resources, build on the green treasure house ”