The conclusion of this study shows that, on the one hand, the market reaction to the announcement of dishonest punishment shows that the information content of the announcement made by the Exchange is not enough, which has little effect on the stock price of the Company; on the other hand, from the premium ability of disciplinary punishment and honesty and rewards The effects of dishonesty and integrity rewards are also extremely limited. On the basis of these conclusions, this paper analyzes the reasons for the lack of honesty rewards, the impact of dishonest punishments and the insufficiency of premium ability, and puts forward some suggestions: (1) to raise the direct disciplinary costs of disciplinary sanctions through fines; (2) to pay attention to disciplinary dishonesty Timeliness of the behavior; (3) to expand the scope of the circular of criticism and listed companies “daily business ”; (4) to give more honest and trustworthy listed companies more opportunities; (5) to improve information disclosure failed The proportion.