Based on the LADCP and SADCP data from the Luzon Strait survey conducted from April 22 to 26, 2008, tidal wave model simulation results were used to remove the influence of tidal current on the observed data The results show that the location of the invasion of the South China Sea by the Kuroshio was relatively close to that of the spring of 1992 during the survey period, with its branches located at C2, C7, C8 and C9 in the central part of the survey sea area. The surface Kuroshio was separated into two at the C8 station, C9 and C2 stations, C9 station northward flow significantly weaker than the C8 station. At station C2, the Kuroshio branch is shallow at 400m, with a maximum velocity of 77cm / s. While at the stations C7, C8 and C9, the Kuroshio Branch is located at a shallow depth of 500m, and its core depth gradually changes during the invasion of the South China Sea shallow. The upper Kuroshio was clearly anti-cyclonic curved. The observation results of this survey voyage qualitatively support the vertical structure of the “Sandwich” water exchange in the Luzon Strait.