转变理念 服务民生 奉新公安积极打造民生警务

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核心提示:今年以来,奉新县公安机关在地方党委政府和上级公安机关的坚强领导下,紧紧围绕“突出一个目标,紧扣两个重点,实现三个突破,打造四个品牌”的一二三四工作思路,全面推进全县公安工作。工作中围绕“确保十八大期间全县社会稳定”这个总目标,紧扣“人民群众的安全感进一步增强,党委、政府及群众的满意度进一步增加”这两个工作重点,在实现依托“天网”工程实施可视化、扁平化指挥上的突破,在流动人口和出租房屋管理服务上有所突破,在建设利用“大情报”平台服务公安工作上新的突破三个方面,积极打造与“中国纺织基地”相适应的“奉新公安”品牌,打造为企业“五零”优质服务品牌,打造宜商宜居“南昌后花园”良好治安的环境品牌,克服了一系列难题,经受了一系列考验,战胜了一系列挑战,有力地维护了全县的社会稳定和公共安全,公安事业发展迈出了新的步伐。 Since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the local party committees and governments and the higher-level public security organs, the public security organ in Fengxin County has been focusing on “focusing on one goal, keeping two key points in mind, achieving three breakthroughs and building four brands” One two three four work ideas, and comprehensively promote the county public security work. The work centering on the general goal of ensuring social stability throughout the county during the 18th CPC National Congress was closely linked to the further enhancement of the people’s sense of security and the further increase in the satisfaction of party committees, governments and the masses. These two priorities, In the realization of “Skynet” rely on the implementation of visualization, flat command of the breakthrough in the floating population and rental housing management services have made a breakthrough in the use of “big intelligence ” platform to serve the new breakthrough in public security work Three aspects, and actively create and “China Textile Base ” to adapt to “Fengxin public security ” brand, build as a business “50 ” quality service brand, to build a suitable livable “Nanchang back garden ”Good environment and security of the environmental brand, to overcome a series of challenges, to withstand a series of tests, to overcome a series of challenges, effectively safeguarding the county’s social stability and public safety, public security undertakings has taken new steps.
李彦宏,百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司总裁。1968年生于山西,北京大学信息管理专业学士,美国布法罗纽约州立大学计算机科学硕士。 他最先创建了 E S P 技术,并成功地应用于
几十年后,我们的国家将会成为世界上的经济强国——如果有那一天,我希望这个成就里面有今天我们这些人的努力 Decades later, our country will become an economic powerho
丰田与格力,曾被无数次写入商业教科书的商界典范,最近都比较烦。前者作为世界最大的汽车厂商,因“召回门”使其形象和声誉大跌;后者作为世界最 Toyota and Gree, the busin
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