在荥阳城南二华里处,公路边绿树成荫、湖面平静如镜、环境十分幽静。靠近湖畔,有一片房舍,这就是闻名全国的荥阳侨联电子技校。该校始建于1983年,八年来、经历了艰难曲折的路,记录了校长孙文彪艰难创业的足迹。在“求实、求质、求管理”的办学方针指导下,逐步形成了孙文彪的办学模式,走出了一条不平凡的办学路子。一、育人才,白手起家办教育 1983年孙文彪看到很多农村青年致富无路,就业无门,特别是有些待业青年、没有事干、经常在街上喝酒打架、惹事生非、他心里很焦虑。青年人是祖
In Shenyang City, South Second Wallace, the roadside tree-lined, lake calm as a mirror, the environment is very quiet. Near the lake, there is a house, which is known as the National Yang Hui Lianlian electronic technology school. The school was founded in 1983, eight years ago, went through a difficult road, recording the footsteps of president Sun Wenbiao hard start. Under the guideline of “seeking truth from facts, seeking quality and seeking management”, Sun Wenbiao gradually formed its mode of running a school and stepped out of an extraordinary way of running a school. First, educate people and start from scratch Education In 1983, Sun Wenbiao saw many rural youths getting rich and unemployed. In particular, some unemployed youths have nothing to do and often drink and fight in the streets. Young people are ancestors