【战例回顾】 1983年10月,美军趁加勒比海岛国格林纳达发生政变之际入侵该国,在短短的4天时间里,以亡18人、伤91人、损失直升机7架的代价。解除了格林纳达的武装,格林纳达亡45人、伤337人,古巴亡24人、伤59人。此次作战,扼杀了古巴支持下的格林纳达社会主义力量,控制住了加勒比海出入大西洋的东部门户,稳定了美国入的后院,为建立亲美的格林纳达政府铺平了道路。
[Review of the Case] In October 1983, the U.S. military invaded the country on the occasion of the coup d’état in Grenada on the Caribbean island nation, killing 18 people, wounding 91 people and losing seven helicopters in just four days. The disarmament of Grenada killed 45 people in Grenada, wounding 337 people, killing 24 in Cuba and wounding 59 others. The operation, which strangled the Grenadian socialism backed by Cuba and controlled the eastern gateway to the Atlantic Ocean from the Caribbean, stabilized the U.S. back yard and paved the way for the establishment of a pro-Grenadic government.