
来源 :中国油料作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdj1990
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以43份来自参加国家油菜区域试验的不同种子硫苷含量的双低甘蓝型油菜为材料,于角果期调查鸟害情况,对发生鸟害的8份油菜品系进行蕾期鸟害指数分析,并测定各品系的种子硫苷总量与分量,进行鸟害品系与未发生鸟害的品系间比较分析,研究这两类油菜与硫苷含量的关系。结果表明:13份油菜品系的种子硫苷含量大于23μmol/g饼,它们均未发生鸟害;硫苷含量低于23μmol/g饼时,油菜品系均不同程度地发生鸟害,鸟害发生率为14.3%~50.0%,其中有8个发生鸟害的油菜品系其鸟害指数为25.0%~77.22%,且油菜的鸟害指数随着硫苷含量的提高而降低。T测验结果表明,6种脂肪族硫苷分量在硫苷含量低于23μmol/g饼的鸟害品系和硫苷含量大于23μmol/g饼的非鸟害品系间达到显著或极显著差异水平,而芳香族和吲哚族硫苷分量在两类油菜品系间均无显著差异。相关性分析结果表明,脂肪族硫苷含量与鸟害指数负相关。表明随着脂肪族硫苷含量的增加,鸟害发生率及鸟害指数呈现降低的趋势。 In this study, 43 low-yielding Brassica napus cultivars from different rapeseed areas in China were used to investigate the damage of birds in the period of podocarp. The total amount and components of glucosinolates in the seeds of each strain were determined, and the relationship between the two types of rapeseed and the content of glucosinolate was studied by comparing the two types of rapeseed lines with those without bird diseases. The results showed that the content of glucosinolates in 13 rapeseed lines was greater than 23μmol / g, all of which did not cause bird diseases. When the content of glucosinolates was lower than 23μmol / g, the rapeseed lines were affected to varying degrees And 14.3% ~ 50.0% respectively. Among them, there were 8 bird diseases with bird damage index of 25.0% ~ 77.22%, and the bird damage index decreased with the increase of glucosinolate content. The results of T test showed that the six aliphatic glucosinolate components reached significant or extremely significant differences between the bird pests strain with glucosinolate content below 23 μmol / g and the non-pest strains with glucosinolates content above 23 μmol / g There was no significant difference between aromatic and indole glucosinolate components in both rapeseed lines. Correlation analysis showed that the content of aliphatic glucosinolates was negatively correlated with the bird damage index. The results showed that with the increase of aliphatic glucosinolates, the incidence of bird diseases and bird damage index showed a decreasing trend.