心理小测试 Your Favorite Cake你最爱哪种口味的蛋糕?

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  There are four kinds of cakes. Which do you like best? Just choose one. It may tell something about you.
  A:Black Forest Cake 黑森林蛋糕
  B:Ice Cream Cake 冰激凌蛋糕
  C:Pudding Cake 布丁蛋糕
  D:Green Tea Cake 绿茶蛋糕
  You are cute and smart. But sometimes you are too proud(骄傲的).
  You are sweet and kind. But you are not very confident(自信的).
  You are tender(温柔的) and lovable(讨人喜欢的). But you are not very strong(堅强的).
  You are tender(温柔的) and lovable(讨人喜欢的). But you are not very strong(坚强的).
名词有两大家族:可数名词和不可数名词。一天,两大家族的小朋友们在一起愉快地玩耍后,找不同回家的路了。你能把它们送回各自的家吗?  oil shoe soup newspaper candy milk tomato paper mango water policeman rice  答案  可數名词:shoe,newspaper,candy,tomato,mango,policeman  不可数名词
故事导读:  俗话说:知足常乐。如果总是跟别人作比较,总去羡慕别人拥有的东西,自己就会变得不开心,也失去了自我。我们应该珍惜自己拥有的一切,做个快乐的人。故事里的乌鸦、天鹅和孔雀为什么不开心了?读完故事,请你认真去想一想。  A crow lived in the forest,and he was always happy.  But one day,he saw a swan. He beca
下面的六位小伙伴是邻居,也是非常要好的朋友。你能通过六个人的描述找到他们分别住在哪里吗?请将六位小主人的名字寫在他们窗户旁的方框中。  Amy:The wall of my house is pink.  Bill:The window of my house is open.  Carl:I live on the third floor.  Kent:I live upstairs from
在世界各地,不同国家的人们庆祝新年的时间和方式各不相同。我们一起去看看!  China 中國  In China,New Year is on January 28th,2017.  2017年的春节是1月28日,中国的传统新年有贴春联、放鞭炮、蒸年糕、包饺子、拜年、舞龙、逛庙会等活动。  India 印度  In India,New Year is in October or November.
*Let it go,let it go,  Can’t hold it back anymore.  Let it go,let it go,  Turn my back and slam the door.*  The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,  Not a footprint to be seen.  A kingdom of iso
在中国,每逢新春佳节,家家户户都要在大门、墙壁、窗户上贴上大大小小的“福”字。春节贴“福”字这一风俗,寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往和对美好未来的祝愿。有时,人们干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已到”、“福气已到”。  The Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese. Before the New Year comes,p
1 It was Bill’s first day at the nursery school. He cried his eyes out when his mother left.  比爾上幼儿园的第一天,当妈妈离开时他哭得很伤心。  2 Mother worried about Bill all day at work.  妈妈工作时一直在担心比尔。  3 However,Bill was
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It’s a big,round thing. It’s purple. There are a lot of lines on its skin. If you smell it,you will shed (流出)tears. Can you guess what it is? Exactly,it’s an onion.  I dislike onions,because it smells
fish and chips  炸鱼和薯条  hot dog  热狗  doughnut  甜甜圈  hamburger  汉堡包  ice-cream  冰激凌  I don’t like sweet food.  I don’t like eating fish.  I like round(圓的) food.  I want to eat something hot(热的).