5月1日,噩耗传来,你那天凌晨停止了呼吸,走完自己的人生旅程,与世长辞了! 前几天,我和勇进去医院看你,你已病情危重,说话也困难了,你说:“这是我们最后一次见面了!”我赶忙安慰你不要这样想,说过几天还来看你的。谁知真如你所说,那次竟是我们的永别,从此重晤难再了! 我为失去你这位好同志、好兄长,沉浸于深深的哀痛。泪眼模糊中,总闪现你的身影:你在认真负责地工作,你和蔼地与同志谈心,在拄着手杖慢步走向机关,在轮椅上艰难地坚持写作……
May 1, news came, you stopped breathing the early morning of that day, walked his journey of life, survived! A few days ago, I bravely went to the hospital to see you, you are critically ill, difficult to speak, you say : “This is the last time we met!” I quickly comfort you do not think so, said a few days to see you. Who knows as you said, that was actually our farewell, never met again since then! I lost my good comrades, brothers, deeply immersed in deep sorrow. You are in a serious and responsible manner. You kindly talk to your comrades, go slowly to the authority with your cane, and stick hard on your wheelchair to write ...