Compare government's work arrangements in science and technology of China and Australia.

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  摘要:Science and technology are the primary productive forces. In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, science and technology have become more and more important; the government also pays more attention to the development of scientific research. This paper will compare the similarities and differences between the Chinese government and the Australian government.
  關键词: China; Australia; Government; Scientific Research; Economy
  1.1 The Chinese government's work arrangements in science and technology.
  China has identified guidelines for the development of science and technology over the next 15 years. The next 15 years, our country science and technology work to adhere to independent innovation, key across, support the development, eagerly anticipates the future guidelines, adhere to the improving self-directed innovation capability in all core position in science and technology, vigorously strengthen the original innovation, integrated innovation and on the basis of the introduction of advanced technology digestion, absorption, innovation, hard to master a number of core technology in a number of important areas, has a group of independent intellectual property rights, create an internationally competitive enterprise and brand, for China's economic and social development and national defense modernization provides powerful technology support.
  For the future of China's national innovation system will focus on China's development of science and technology policy security falls in support to encourage enterprises to become the main body of technological innovation, increase investment in science and technology, increasing the service efficiency of funds, to strengthen the construction of science and technology condition platform, as well as build characteristic of regional innovation system, speed up the construction of innovative talent team, actively expand opening to the outside world, extensive use of global resources of science and technology.
  Xi jinping, President of the CPC central committee and President of the central military commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. It is necessary to place science popularization as equally important as scientific and technological innovation, popularize scientific knowledge, promote scientific spirit, disseminate scientific ideas, advocate scientific methods, and promote the formation of society as a whole. He points out that the goal of science and technology development in our country is, by 2020 China into an innovative country, by 2030 China into an innovative country, to the founding of new China in 100 to become the world's science and technology power in China.   1.2 The Australian government's work arrangements in science and technology.
  According to the Strategic Plan for 2015-2019 released by the Australian Department of Industry and Technology, the new goal of the Australian government is to use its commercial and technological advantages to develop an internationally competitive and responsive economy.
  The Strategic Plan shows that in order to achieve this goal early, the Australian Department of Industry and Technology is committed to promoting the growth of internationally competitive industries and enhancing their productivity.
  In addition, some important conditions for the development of economy and productivity will be strongly supported, including scientific research capacity, scientific technology, engineering and mathematical technology, scientific literacy and so on.To make a difference, the Australian Department of Industrial Science and Technology has made detailed strategic arrangements, including supporting companies to work with scientists and researchers from universities and other institutions to maximize the commercial returns of $9.2 billion invested by the government in research and development; promoting national deregulation, technological development and cooperation, and enhancing commercialization and international participation to facilitate the development of internationally competitive enterprises; helping enterprises adapt to the necessary industrial transformation to promote market competition and business investment.
  The Australian Department of Industrial Science and Technology hopes to support the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements and bring better scientific and economic results to the country. Small and medium-sized enterprises involved in innovation activities can develop on an appropriate scale; enterprises will increasingly invest in intangible assets, such as intellectual property rights, so that the added value of knowledge-intensive industries will continue to grow; the benefits of commercialization of scientific research will continue to increase. Australia will perform better in the field of scientific research.
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摘要:印象管理,又称印象整饰,是指人们试图管理和控制他人对自己所形成的印象的过程。随着社会就业形势日益严峻,就业竞争日益激烈,大学生就业压力日益增大,大学生求职面试的印象管理策略也日益受到人们的重视。本文通过对大学生求职面试印象管理现状的研究,并分析了影响大学生求职面试印象管理的因素,提出了大学生在求职面试时的印象管理策略,从而进一步提高大学生面试能力,增加大学生就业几率。  关键词:大学生;求职
摘要:中国与日本交往的历史由来已久,在三国时期,日本的邪马台国国王卑弥呼就曾派遣使者出使魏国。中日之间的文化交流历史由此开始,源远流长。在隋唐时期,中日之间最频繁的文化交流,就是佛教之间的文化交流。隋唐时期,日本就有不少僧人入唐求法,这一时期的佛教文化交流,主要以中国向日本输出佛教文化为主。  关键词:中日文化交流,隋唐时期,佛教  一、隋唐时期,中国佛教的发展  佛教起源于古印度,大约在公元前2
摘要:在当前工程施工建设过程中,工程造价精细化管理属于重要任务及内容,对于工程成本控制具有十分重要的作用。在当前工程造价精细化管理中,为保证得到更理想效果,相关管理人员可结合BIM技术实施造价管理,保证造价管理工作得以更好地开展,对工程成本实行更合理控制。  关键词:工程造价;精细化管理;策略费心  BIM再工程造价精细化管理中的运用,提高了工程造价管理的水平和效果,对保障工程建设经济利益的实现有