为探讨东北松嫩平原碳酸盐型盐碱水域移植南美白对虾的可行性 ,以天然盐碱泡水为实验用水 ,采用急性毒性实验法 ,研究了淡化幼虾对碱度的适应能力。结果表明 ,在水温 (2 3.4± 1 .3)℃、pH 8.0 3~8.37、盐度 3.6 3~ 4 .6 0的条件下 ,碱度对淡化幼虾毒性作用的 2 4 ,4 8和 96hLC50 分别为 1 2 .92 ,1 1 .1 6和1 0 .6 7mmol/L ,SC为 2 .5 0mmol/L。认为南美白对虾淡化幼虾对碱度的适应能力不如鲢、鳙、草鱼等淡水鱼类 ,可以养殖鲢、鳙的盐碱水域不一定也适宜幼虾生存 ,而且碱度并不是唯一的限制因子
In order to investigate the feasibility of transplanting Penaeus vannamei in carbonate saline-alkali waters in the Songnen Plains of Northeast China, natural saline-alkali soaking water was used as experimental water, and acute toxicity test was used to study the adaptability of desalinated juveniles to alkalinity. The results showed that alkalinity at 24 ℃, 48 ℃ and 96h LC50 of desalination of juvenile shrimp under the condition of water temperature (3.4 ± 1.3 ℃), pH 8.03 ~ 8.37 and salinity 3.6 3 ~ 4.06 Respectively 12.292, 11.1.6 and 10.06.7mmol / L, SC was 2.50mmol / L. It is concluded that juvenile white shrimp desalination juveniles can not adapt to alkalinity better than freshwater fish such as silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp, which can culture silver carp and bighead carp, so the alkalinity is not the only limiting factor.