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晚清总理衙门、外务部与民国初年外交部在人事关系上一脉相承,但随时代变迁、制度因革,其官员来源与结构有着巨大差异。总理衙门从经历科举考试的六部官员中考试选任官员,他们多由“正途出身”;外务部继承总理衙门的制度,然在1906年科举停废的背景之下,改变原有的考试之法,施行奏调。此后五年内,留学生、驻外人员、同文馆与译学馆学生、举贡考试合格者,通过奏调或考试、掣签的方式,进入外务部任职,后科举时代外务部官员结构逐渐多样化。辛亥革命之后经南北和议成立的民国政府,将外务部改组为外交部,人员多从外务部留任,但大量裁汰原总理衙门官员、举贡考试人员及留日学生,通晓外语、有驻外经验者构成外交部官员的主体,并逐渐形成一个成长、选任皆具相对独立特征的职官群体。 In the late Qing Dynasty, the Yamen, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the early Republic of China inherited the same relationship in personnel relations. However, with the change of the times, the system of origin and structure of officials varied greatly because of the system of leather. The official Yamen examines and elects officials from among the six officials who have undergone the examinations, most of whom are “born of the right way.” The Foreign Ministry inherited the system of the Yamen. However, in the context of the suspension of the examination in 1906, the original examination was changed The law, the implementation of the tune. In the next five years, foreign students, overseas students, students from Tong Wen Pao and Shuan Xue Guan, and eligible candidates for granting canvass can enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by means of playing semester or examination and drawing lots of signatures. In the post-Imperial Examination period, the structure of officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gradually diversified . After the 1911 Revolution, the government of the Republic of China, established by the North and the South, proposed to restructure the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Most of the personnel retained the posts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, the former Prime Minister Yamen officials, tribute examiners and students studying in Japan were thrown out. Form the main body of officials in the Foreign Ministry and gradually form a group of officials who have grown up and are relatively independent in their selection.
古人取暖,各有妙招。有借火之热气取暖,也有借水温取暖,更不知所谓者于妙妓怀中御寒气,将红袖添香变为红袖添暖,大煞风景。  读杜甫的“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”,就深深地感受到古代冬天的严寒。不禁想,古代还没有温室效应,冬天比现在更寒冷而漫长,然而古人没有空调,也没有暖气,他们是如何取暖?如何度过漫漫寒冬呢?  撷取天火暖人间  自从祝融将天火从光明宫带到人间,火就成了驱寒利器。古人取暖主要方法就是烤