近几年来,我国特种水产养殖业迅猛发展,前景广阔。我站切合当前形势,因势利导,探索出了一套亩产超万元的乌鳢养殖技术。它投资小、效益高、易管理、可靠性强,不仅适合于众多的养殖户,同时也适合于广大农村。笔者经过多年的养殖实践,总结出这套实用技术,供同仁参考: 一、建池, 应建在通风向阳,水源充足的地方。鱼种池面积
In recent years, China’s special aquaculture industry has been developing rapidly with a bright future. I stand in line with the current situation, make the best use of the situation, explored a mu per million Urimba breeding technology. It is small investment, high efficiency, easy management, reliability, not only suitable for many farmers, but also suitable for vast rural areas. After years of farming practice, I summed up this set of practical technologies for my colleagues in reference: First, the construction of the pool should be built in a sunny, adequate water source. Fish species pool area