In this paper, endocrine cancer cells in 69 cases of gastric cancer, 42 cases of colorectal cancer, and 34 cases of primary liver cancer were studied. Serotonin and gastrin in endocrine cancer cells were detected by immunohistochemical method (PAP method). , Somatostatin, explored its pathological and clinical significance. The results showed that: 1 The positive rate of endocrine cancer cells was 36.23% (25/69) in gastric cancer, 28.57% (12/42) in colorectal cancer, and 11.76% (4/34) in liver cancer; 2 Hormone product analysis showed that serotonin was the most common, followed by gastrin and somatostatin; the hormone produced by endocrine cancer cells in liver cancer was the ectopic hormone-gastrin; 3 the positive rate of endocrine cancer cells was in the advanced phase. Gastric cancer and undifferentiated gastric cancer were higher than early gastric cancer and high-differentiated gastric cancer. Lymph node metastasis occurred more often in positive endocrine cancer cells. No relationship was found between colorectal cancer and primary liver cancer. The results of this study suggest that these special endocrine cell lines differentiated from cancer stem cells. Endocrine cancer cells are involved in the biological behavior of gastric cancer without affecting the biological behaviors of colorectal cancer and primary liver cancer.