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中国劳动关系学院设立了全国第一个企业文化本科专业,既体现了学校的特色办学方向,也适应了社会对企业文化管理专业人才的需要。企业文化本科专业学生需要掌握文字表达、交流访谈、问卷设计、组织管理等基本技能。创建企业文化本科专业教学实践基地就是为了让学生掌握这些基本技能。 China Institute of Industrial Relations set up the country’s first undergraduate business culture, not only embodies the characteristics of the school running direction, but also to adapt to the social needs of corporate culture management professionals. Corporate Culture Undergraduate students need to master the basic skills of text expression, exchange of interviews, questionnaire design, organizational management. The establishment of corporate culture undergraduate professional teaching practice base is to allow students to master these basic skills.
天高云淡,一叶知秋。当微凉的风将天空吹得湛蓝、明净,当枝头的绿叶换上金灿灿的新装,这便到了赏菊的时节。  星期天,我们一家乘车去参观在盐城举办的菊花展。现场分为菊园、水景园以及菊花主题广场三个观赏区,300多个品种的菊花竞相争艳。走进园区,仿佛来到了菊花的海洋,阵阵花香扑鼻而来。  “妈妈,你快来看呀,这个菊花圆圆的,像个玲珑的绒球儿,太有趣了。”我指着一朵菊花好奇地说。“这叫‘乒乓菊’,顾名思义