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由中国统计学会、国家统计局统计科学研究所举办的第九次全国中青年统计科学研讨会将于2003年10月召开。此次研讨会的主题为:中国现代化与统计创新。在这一主题下,敦请研究者将选题的重点集中于新世纪以来中国现代化进程中的新事物、新局面、新问题、新动向进行探索和剖析。研究者既可以从宏观角度,也可以从微观角度对诸如国民经济各种比例关系、经济社会的可持续发展、国家及地区现代化进程及竞争力、经济安全与金融安全、技术进步与经济增长方式、产业结构调整与区域经济、西部开发对策。国有企业的改革与发展、社会保障体系的建立与完善、居民收入分配等方面设定选题,亦可对“统计改革与发展”、“统计学学科建设”、“统计方法的应用与创新”等方面的问题进行研究。除以上选题外,亦欢迎自定其他选题。此次研讨会仍将沿用以前的惯例。即通过征集论文,经筛选后邀请论文作者参加的组织办法。征文仍划分为特邀学术报告与参会 The Ninth National Youth Statistical Science Symposium, to be held by the Statistical Institute of Statistics of China and the National Bureau of Statistics, will be held in October 2003. The theme of this seminar is: China’s modernization and statistical innovation. Under this theme, researchers are urged to focus their research on the new things, new situations, new problems and new trends in the process of China’s modernization since the new century. Researchers can not only analyze the macroeconomic factors such as various proportions of national economy, sustainable economic and social development, national and regional modernization process and competitiveness, economic security and financial security, technological progress and economic growth mode Industrial Structure Adjustment and Regional Economy, Western Development Strategy. The reform and development of state-owned enterprises, the establishment and improvement of the social security system, and the distribution of income among residents can also be used to set topics for “statistics reform and development”, “discipline construction of statistics”, and “application and innovation of statistical methods” And other issues to study. Apart from the above topics, other topics are also welcome. The seminar will still follow the previous practice. That is, through the collection of papers, after screening the author’s thesis invited to participate in the organization. Essay is still divided into invited academic reports and participants
刨花板/铝/环氧树脂复合板是一种新型的叠层材料。它以刨花板和铝为主要原料。着重研究刨花板和铝复合的工艺条件及其与复合板性能间的关系。 Particleboard / aluminum / epo
位于海河两岸的天津市历来是我国经济和文化中心 ,人杰地灵。由于工业发达 ,工厂多 ,电镀厂、点也多 ,“电镀人”(Electroplater,也可译为电镀师或电镀工作者 )当然更多。要
看看一位政协委员、一位老人与电脑的情缘,看老人是如何驯服电脑,利用电脑的。 Take a look at a member of the CPPCC National Committee, an elderly and computer love,