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语言是人类交换情感、沟通思想的重要工具之一。同时也是大自然赋予人类的一种神奇天性,只要是正常、健康的幼儿,都有语言天赋,其潜能是巨大的。语言的培养要根据幼儿的不同成长期特点,有目标、有方案、有针对性地开发、训练,用不同的办法、不同的途径开展启蒙训练。有效地抓住幼儿语言敏感期,对孩子的有着深远的影响。一、语言敏感期阐述幼儿语言发展的敏感期是0到6岁,当婴儿开始啼哭、凝视成人的说话的嘴型并咿咿呀呀开始发声时,就开始了他 Language is one of the important tools for exchanging feelings and communicating ideas. At the same time, it is also a kind of magical natural nature endowed by mankind. As long as a normal and healthy young child has language talent, its potential is enormous. Language training should be based on the different growth characteristics of young children, a goal, a program, targeted development, training, with different approaches, different ways to carry out enlightenment training. Effectively grasp the children’s language-sensitive period, has a profound impact on children. First, the language-sensitive period Expansion of children’s language development is the sensitive period of 0 to 6 years old, when the baby began to cry, staring at the mouth of adult speech and Baba Ya Ye began to sound when he started
为了保证供暖系统的正常运行 ,除在设计中认真进行水力计算外 ,还应在施工中严格按规范进行操作 ,按程序进行交工验收 ,同时运行中要加强维护管理 ,只有三者有机结合才能提高