奔驰跑车SLR 天才的汽车设计师鲁道夫·乌伦豪特在1955年制造出奔驰300SLR双门跑车时,或许他本人也没有想到这款车会成为奔驰公司最经典的跑车之一。1998年,奔驰公司受到了哈基宁在F1车坛为其夺得总冠军的鼓舞,决心将SLR这个凝结了运动精神的跑车车系复兴。半年之后,1999年的底特律车展上,他们展出了与英国迈凯轮(Mclaren)公司合作的全新SLR车型——梦幻SLR概念车这款车承袭了20世纪50年代300SLR的经典元素:鸥翼式车门和无与伦比的速度感觉。该车装有超强的V8发动机,车身设计应用了源于F1赛车领域的空气动力学概念,从而具有非凡动力。
Mercedes-Benz sports car When SLR genius car designer Rudolf Uhlenhout made the Mercedes 300SLR coupe in 1955, perhaps he did not even think of it as one of the most classic Mercedes sports cars. In 1998, Mercedes-Benz was inspired by Hakkinen to win the championship at Formula One and is determined to rejuvenate SLR, a sporty sports car. Six months later, at the Detroit Auto Show in 1999, they exhibited a new SLR model with Mclaren in the UK - a dream SLR concept car that inherited the classic 300SLR elements of the 1950s: gull wing Style doors and unparalleled speed feeling. The car is equipped with powerful V8 engine, body design applications derived from the concept of aerodynamics F1 racing, which has extraordinary power.