1区域地质赣中铁矿田位于新余市及其管辖的分宜县南部,并跨入吉安、安福、宜春境内。铁矿田主体部分东西长约40余千米,南北宽10余千米,呈近东西向展布,面积约400 km2。赣中铁矿田大地构造位置处于钦杭古板块结合带东段,南部为华南陆块武夷-云开-台湾造山系板块结合带东段南侧的武功山-北武夷前缘褶冲隆起带,宜春-铅山深大断裂在其北侧通过,与下扬子准地台萍乐云贵坳毗邻。
1 Regional Geology Jiangxi-China iron ore field is located in Xinyu City and its subordinate Fenyi County, south, and entered the Ji’an, Anfu, Yichun territory. The main part of the iron ore field is about 40 km in length and 10 km wide in the north and south. It is spread nearly east-west with an area of about 400 km2. The geotectonic position of the iron ore field in central Jiangxi is located in the eastern segment of the Qinhang-Hangpaai plate junction zone and the southern part of the Wugongshan-North Wuyi foreland fold belt uplift belt in the southern part of the eastern section of the Wuyi-Yunkai-Taiwan orogenic belt of the South China Block Yichun-Qianshan deep-fault fault passes on its northern side and adjoins Pingla Yungui depression of the lower Yangtze sub-platform.