(一)遵照中央人民政府教育部關於本届冬學工作指示,並根據本省目前實際情况,决定由各專署及長沙衡陽兩市政府教育局,分別選擇重點,領導舉辦冬學吸取經驗,作為第一届普遍開展冬學工作的基礎,同時組織教職員學生團體發動政治文化水平較高而又熱心參加冬學工作的教師學生?在當地政府領導下,於寒假回鄕期間,分別辦理冬學,以期初部提高農民的政治認識。 (二)本届冬學主要內容,應參照人民政協共同綱領,向農民宣傳中華人民共和國誕生的偉大意義,解釋目前中國的軍事、政治、經濟情
(1) In accordance with the instruction of the Ministry of Education of the Central Government on the work of the winter school and according to the present actual situation in the province, it is decided that each agency and the Education Bureau of the two municipalities of Hengyang, Changsha, choose the key points and lead the experience of holding winter schools, In the meantime, a group of faculty members organized a group of faculty members to launch teacher education programs with a high level of political culture and enthusiastic participation in winter school work. During the winter vacation, Beginning of the period to improve farmers’ political understanding. (II) The main contents of this winter school should be based on the common program of the CPPCC, to publicize to the peasants the great significance of the birth of the People’s Republic of China, and to explain the current military, political and economic conditions in China