当今流行乐坛有两大趋势,一是偶像年轻化,一是组合白热化,来自广东的小偶像团体CHINA BABY恰好将这两种趋势合而为一。 来自香港的DANIEL年纪轻轻,就当过网络电台主播、参加过各种大大小小的歌唱比赛并取得过不俗的成绩,是香港青少年杂志的红人,
There are two major trends in today’s popular music scene. One is the younger idols. The other is the white-hot combination. CHINA BABY, a small idol group from Guangdong, happens to combine these two trends. DANIEL from Hong Kong was a young man, had been an Internet radio anchor, participated in various large and small singing competitions and achieved good results, is the Hong Kong Youth Magazine’s Reds,