农机公司的报废损失是惊人的,1982年我们冲销报废削价损失38,169元,未冲销的报废削价损失,加上1983年元月入帐的报废净损失,共计229,463元.这个数额等于我公司48个职工七年零三个月的工资.1982年10月,我们发现报废商品中,有五种商品原值3,322元,当时因为属于淘汰机型,非通用件而列为报废,残值只有15元.现在看来,有些东西又有需要,必须进货.在1979年商品报废中,有2-148八时步犁调节板报废39个,零售价每个0.61元.但是,1981年8月却又从寄料公社进50个,出厂价0.73元,零售价 0.82元在1979年报废商品中还有两种商品:(1)4-1372卜米器,1979年1-8月销408个,平均月销51个,到年底可销612个,由于库存过大(8,730个),报废8,381个,下余库存342个,到1980年9月底全部脱销.(2)15-122x195平衡块,1979年销27个,金额120.96元,12月库存558个,原值2,354.76元,
The scrapping losses of agricultural machinery companies were staggering. In 1982, we offset the scrap loss by $ 38,169, the uncollectible scrapping loss, plus the net loss of scrapping scrapped for January 1983, amounting to $ 229,463, a figure equal to 48 of our company In October 1982, we found that among the scrapped products, five were originally worth 3,322 yuan, which were scrapped because they belonged to the phase-out models and non-common items. The residual value was only 15 yuan Now it seems that some things are needed again and must be purchased. Of the scrapped products in 1979, there were 39 scrapped at the 2-148 eight-speed plow adjusting panel at a retail price of 0.61 yuan each. However, in August 1981, 50 from the sending commune, the ex-factory price of 0.73 yuan, the retail price of 0.82 yuan There were two kinds of commodities in the scrapped products in 1979: (1) 4-1372 meters meter, sold 408 in January-August 1979, the average 51 on monthly sales, 612 on sale by the end of the year, 8,381 due to over-stocking (8,330) and 342 remaining stocks, all of which were out of stock by the end of September 1980. (2) 15-122x195 weight block, 1979 27 sales, the amount of 120.96 yuan, 558 stocks in December, the original value of 2,354.76 yuan,