198 9~ 1999年 ,我们收治侦察兵后倒训练致颅脑损伤 37例 ,现将其机制、伤因和预防措施报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般情况 37例均为男性 ;年龄 17~ 2 1岁。入伍 2个月~ 1 5年 ,平均 3 8个月。训练前未充分准备活动 18例 ,带轻伤坚持训练 18例 ,对后倒有恐惧心理 16例 ,?
198 In the period from 1999 to 1999, 37 cases of craniocerebral injury were treated after we received medical scouts, and the mechanism, cause of injury and preventive measures are reported as follows. 1 Clinical data 1 1 37 cases are generally male; aged 17 to 21 years old. Enlisted for 2 months to 15 years, an average of 38 months. Before training, 18 cases were not fully prepared for activities, 18 cases were insisted on training with slight injuries, and 16 cases were feared afterwards.