1979年我所从南京农科院引进野薯“三浅裂野牵牛”(K123)之后,连续几年与地方品种进行杂交选育,已初获一定的效果。 (一)试验设计我们根据“K123”的染色体和甘薯的染色体都属于同源6倍体,均划入B类染色体组很易杂交,有一定经济性状,而且具有易开花、花期长、花量多的特点,结合在南方甘薯品种多数能自然开花的条件,我们以“K123”作母本,以综合性状较好的地方品种、新育成品系和外引品种资源作父本(表1),让其自然杂交,然后大量收集“K123”的自然杂交种。在杂种后代以栽培型为选择杂种的标志。
In 1979, after introducing the wild potato “Three Shallow Clerodendrosides” (K123) from Nanjing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the hybrid breeding with local cultivars for several years in succession has achieved some initial results. (I) Experimental Design The chromosomes of our chromosome “K123” and sweet potato belong to 6-hp homologue. All of the chromosomes classified into group B are easy to cross and have certain economic traits. Moreover, they have the characteristics of easy flowering, long flowering period, According to the characteristics of many sweetpotato varieties in southern China, we can use “K123” as the female parent, and we use the parental varieties of local varieties, Allow it to cross naturally and then collect a large amount of “K123” natural hybrids. In the offspring of hybrids to cultivate for the selection of hybrid signs.