随着农业学大寨群众运动的深入开展,我们大队贫下中农,在向生产的深度和广度进军中,积极创造条件,提高科学种田水平,逐步改一年两熟为油菜-稻-稻和麦-稻-稻的一年三熟。1975年我们在1.65亩的麦-稻-稻三熟试验田里,创造了全年亩产粮食2,963斤的新纪录。其中小麦亩产642斤,早稻亩产1,153斤,晚稻亩产1,168斤。 小麦品种是鄂麦6号,头年11月1日播种,次年5月19日收割,全生育期200天;亩有效穗24.3万,相当于越冬最高苗数(12月22日调查)的38%,每穗平均33.8粒,千粒重达39克,比常年增加2克多。
With the deepening mass movement of Dazhai in agriculture, our brigade, poor and middle peasants, has actively created the conditions to advance into the depth and breadth of production by raising the standard of scientific farming and gradually changing the two crops a year into rape-rice-rice and wheat Rice - rice cooked three times a year. In 1975, we set a new record of 2,963 jin per mu in grain production in 1.65 mu of paddy-rice-paddy three-trial field. Among them, 642 kg of wheat per mu, 1,153 kg of early rice and 1,168 kg of late rice per mu. Wheat varieties are Emai 6, the first year of November 1 sowing, the following year on May 19 harvest, the whole growth period of 200 days; acres of effective spike 243,000, equivalent to the highest number of winter wintering (December 22 survey) 38%, an average of 33.8 grains per ear, grain weight of 39 grams, more than 2 grams more than usual.