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当前,企业改革进入了攻坚阶段,现状急切呼唤强有力的思想政治工作进行引导,把全体职工凝聚起来,共闯改革难关。因此加强和改进思想政治工作就成为当务之急。怎样改进企业思想政治工作呢?我以为,当前要搞好七个转变。一、从为政治服务转到为发展生产力服务上来。这是改进企业思想攻治工作的中心点。长期以来,企业思想政治工作的根本任务是为政治服务,尤其在“以阶级斗争为纲”的年代,思想工作“绷紧一根弦,认准一条道,抓住一个纲”,在实践中产生了不好的效果。现在,党中央明确指出,社会主义初级阶段的根本任务是发展生产力。遵循党的基本路线,企业思想工作要从过去为政治服务,自觉转到为发展生产力服务上来。实现 At present, the reform of the enterprise has entered a crucial stage and the status quo urgently calls for the guidance of a strong ideological and political work. It has brought together all the staff and workers to break through the difficulties of the reform. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen and improve ideological and political work. How to improve the ideological and political work of enterprises? I think, we must improve the current seven changes. First, from political service to service for the development of productive forces. This is the focal point for improving the ideological and political work of enterprises. For a long time, the fundamental task of the ideological and political work of enterprises was to serve for politics. Especially in the era of “taking class struggle as the key link,” ideological work “tightened one string, recognized one path and seized one thread,” and in practice Produced a bad effect. Now, the party Central Committee has clearly pointed out: The fundamental task of the initial stage of socialism is to develop the productive forces. Follow the party’s basic line, the ideological work of enterprises should serve the political work from the past and consciously turn to serve the development of productive forces. achieve
将1400万独立艺术家团结到一起,建立一个创新型的社交网络,安吉洛·索蒂拉的秘诀何在?没有他的PSP2游戏机,安吉洛·索蒂拉(Angelo Sotira)就像一个坐立不安、手足无措的孩子
目前上气道阻塞(upper airway obstruction,UAO)的诊断仍是一个比较困难的问题。一方面因为本病比较少见,人们对其缺乏足够的认识和重视;另一方面早期UAO患者几乎没有症状,
我的教师生涯已有30余年 ,与书打交道49年 ,从我的成长经历来看 ,我是遵循着读书—教书—教研—写书的阶梯不断攀登的。读书读书是心灵活动。“读书看报 ,求知之道。”学生取得知