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丹桂飘香福鼎行,国茶年会宣茶城;全新理念惊四座,纷纷表达入驻心。10月18日至20日,以“质量安全,品牌营销,产业升级”为主题的“第八届中国茶业经济年会暨中国茶叶流通协会第五届会员代表大会”在中国白茶之乡福建省福鼎市举行。信阳市茶产业办公室、信阳市供销合作社等相关部门领导以及信阳毛尖集团、信阳国 Osmanthus fragrant Fuding tripod, tea will declare the National Tea City; new concept of panic four, have expressed their hearts. From October 18 to October 20, with the theme of “quality safety, brand marketing and industrial upgrading”, the 8th China Tea Industry Annual Meeting and the Fifth Member Representative Meeting of China Tea Marketing Association have been held in China White tea town held in Fuding City, Fujian Province. Xinyang City Tea Industry Office, Xinyang City, supply and marketing cooperatives and other relevant departments as well as Xinyang Maojian Group, Xinyang State