金源乳峰古洞,位于阿城市山河乡东南三公里的松峰山南麓。 松峰山,海拔627米,古称金源乳峰,重峦叠嶂,苍松滴翠,气象巍峨。古洞在其山之阳,半山凿石而成,高2.5米,宽4米余,全长22米,洞口横刻“太虚洞”(俗称‘穿心洞’)三字。洞坐南北向,最狭处亦容三人并行,其出入口有石砌台阶百余级。洞内最宽处,原立金代承安四年(1199)石碑一通。
Jinyuan milk peak Kwu Tung, located in the town of Achengshan three kilometers southeast of Songshan Mountain. Songfeng Mountain, 627 meters above sea level, the ancient name of the source of milk peak, heavy mountainous peaks, Cedar drop Tsui, the towering weather. Kwu Tung in the mountain of the sun, half-stone chisel stone, 2.5 meters high, 4 meters wide and more, a total length of 22 meters, hole engraved “too hole” (commonly known as “hole through hole”) words. South-North hole to sit, the most narrow at the same capacity of three people in parallel, the entrance there are more than a hundred stone steps. The widest hole in the cave, the original legislature on behalf of four years of gold (1199) a stone tablet.