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又是一个喜人的金秋。全国将要有1000多万孩子第一次走进学校的大门,有100多万莘莘学子开始大学生活。在这个收获的季节,我们向读者推荐《英才程熹的成长岁月》和《溺爱埋祸根》这两篇文章。文中讲了两个完全不同的典型。家境富裕的程熹由于从小受到良好的家庭教育,人生道路上健康成长,今年在获得17届全国中学生物理赛一等奖之后,被北京大学免试录取;而生在一个普通农民家庭中的蒋继峰,由于家长的过份溺爱,养儿为患,最后儿子被父亲愤而活活勒死,演出了一场人生悲剧。两相对照,泾渭分明,它警示人们,一定要对子女施以良好的启蒙教育,特别是现今许多家庭都是独子女,都是掌上明珠,这往往容易使许多家长对子女百依百顺,“要天不许地”,以至使子女养成诸多毛病,积习难改,甚至酿成灾祸。我们每一个做家长的,都要从程熹的健康成长和蒋继峰的堕落中吸取经验和教训,千万不要重蹈“溺爱”的覆辙。其实,“不要溺爱”这是个古老而又年轻的话题。许多人心理都是明白的,但一临到自己的身上,有时就做不到,只有到了像蒋继峰的父亲蒋来方那样的境地,才后悔莫及,但,那已经晚了。年轻的家长,可要警惕啊!──本刊编辑部 Another golden autumn. The country will have more than 10 million children entering the school gate for the first time and more than 1 million students will start university life. In this season of harvest, we recommend to readers two articles, “Growing Age of Ying Cheng Cheng Xi,” and “Bury Curse of Burden.” The text speaks two completely different typical. Rich family Cheng Xi as a child from a good family education, healthy life on the road to growth this year after receiving the first prize in the 17 National Physics Physics Contest, was admitted to Peking University free trial; born in an ordinary peasant family Jiang Jifeng, Due to parents too spoiled, raise children as a culprit, the last son was strangled by his father alive, staged a tragedy of life. The two contrasts are quite different. They warn people that they must give their children a good education of enlightenment. In particular, many families today are all children of their own. They are pearl bearers of the palm. It is often easy for many parents to treat their children with obedience. Days without permission, “so that children develop a lot of problems, learn hard to change, and even lead to disaster. As each of us as parents, we must learn from the healthy growth of Cheng Xi and the degradation of Jiang Jifeng. We must never repeat the mistake of ”spoiling ourselves.“ In fact, ”Do not spoil" This is an ancient and young topic. Many people are psychologically aware, but sometimes they can not do it when they arrive on their own. Only when they reach such a position as Jiang’s father, Chiang Kai-shek, are they regretful, but it is already too late. Young parents, be wary ah! ─ ─ Editorial Department
各位秘书长、各位代表、同志们: 全国建设工程造价管理协会秘书长工作联席会议,经全体与会同志共同努力就要结束了,一天半的会议尽管时间短,但信息量大,内容丰富,重点突出,
年内五大消防科技目标1全面宪成119消防通信指挥系统二期建设,进一步提高消防快速反应能 力和消防指挥决策水平。2基本建成办公自动化系统,提高消防行政管理效率和消防行政决策水平
1 工程造价管理全过程控制的必要性谈到工程造价的管理和控制,我们便习惯地想到是工程预决算,确实,就目前的体制和现实而言,工程造价的管理和控制工作就是预决算,即预决算人
凡是教 师,大约没有不 使用批评方法 教育和管理学 生的。 批评同表扬一 样,是一种有效 的激励学生的 方法。批评是一 种否定性评价, 与学生的自我 评价相冲突,不 能满足学生的