国内外围绕旱地农业的可持续发展 ,进行了长期的研究和试验 ,我国于 1991年引进澳大利亚先进模式——保护性耕作法 ,在山西省布点试验。试验表明 :保护性耕作具有保水改土、增产增收、改善生态环境的综合效益。但播种质量不高 ,一度使试验受挫 ,虽然靠改进机具在一定程度上可以提高其适应性 ,但当秸秆产量达到 80 %的覆盖率时 ,又出现秸秆越冬防风防火难、春季地温回升缓慢 ,清除长在秸秆中的杂草难等一系列问题。通过进一步试验 ,增加浅旋或浅耙表土作业 ,可解决问题。秸秆覆盖 ,表土浅耕和硬茬播种构成保护性耕作法成熟的技术体系。
At home and abroad, the long-term research and experiment on the sustainable development of dry land agriculture have been carried out. In 1991, China introduced Australia’s advanced mode of conservation tillage, which was tested in Shanxi province. Experiments show that: Conservation tillage has the benefits of water and soil improvement, increase production and income, improve the ecological environment. However, the sowing quality was not high, once the test was frustrated, although by improving the equipment to a certain extent, can improve its adaptability, but when the straw yield reached 80% coverage, there are straw wind and fire over winter wintry, spring ground temperature rise slowly, Remove a long series of problems in weeds in straw. Through further tests, increase shallow rotary or shallow rake soil work, can solve the problem. Covering straw, topsoil and hard-stubble sowing to form a protective tillage method mature technology system.