首先要掌握整体审视法。这是应试作文审题中的关键的一步。所谓整体审视,就是说审题要全面,不能仅仅限于审作文题目,还必须考虑到题型、选择范围、文体要求、结构安排、字数限制,乃至作者根据自身兴趣能力选什么材料,如何落笔等等,这一切都必须作同步审视。试以1992年上海高考作文题为例: 情境作文夏夜的星空,是那么美,那么遥远。触景生情,人们往往由宇宙无穷、人生有限的感慨而产生种种思索。请以“遥望星空”为题写一篇短文。要求:①注意景、情、理的结合。②700字左右。③不要用诗歌形式。上面所有的文字在审题时都必须掌握,并认真地一一贯彻到写作中去。但是,不少考生只注意“遥望星空”这个
First of all, we must master the overall inspection method. This is a crucial step in the exam questions. The so-called overall examination means that the issue of examination must be comprehensive. It cannot be limited to reviewing the topic of the composition. It must also consider the type of question, the scope of choice, the requirements of style, structure, the number of words, and even the author’s choice of materials according to his/her own interest, how to write down, etc. All this must be examined simultaneously. Take the 1992 Shanghai college entrance exam essay as an example: Situational composition The summer night sky is so beautiful, so far away. Touching people’s emotions, people are often inspired by the endless universe and limited feelings of life. Please write an essay titled “Looking up at the sky.” Requirements: 1 Pay attention to the combination of scenery, emotion, and reason. 2700 words or so. 3 Do not use poetry. All the above texts must be mastered at the time of question review, and they should be carefully implemented in writing. However, many candidates only pay attention to “look at the sky.”