CFD modeling using heterogeneous reaction kinetics for catalytic dehydrogenation syngas reactions in

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idcxinrui
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A comprehensive 2D computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model was developed to simulate the flow behavior and catalytic dehydrogenation reaction of syngas in a heterogenous fixed-bed reactor(FBR).The model combined the porous medium CFD model with a reaction kinetics model.To acquire an accurate reaction kinetics model,a comprehensive reaction mechanism was studied for the heterogeneous catalytic dehydrogenation reaction of syngas over a supported metal catalyst.Based on the reaction mechanism and a statistical test,a reliable kinetics model was proposed.The CFD model combined with the above kinetics model was validated with one set of experimental data.The CFD model was also used to predict key reaction variable distributions such as the temperature and the component concentrations in the reactor. A comprehensive 2D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed to simulate the flow behavior and catalytic dehydrogenation reaction of syngas in a heterogenous fixed-bed reactor (FBR). The model combined the porous medium CFD model with a reaction kinetics model. Acquire an accurate reaction kinetics model, a comprehensive reaction mechanism was studied for the heterogeneous catalytic dehydrogenation reaction of syngas over a supported metal catalyst. Based on the reaction mechanism and a statistical test, a reliable kinetics model was proposed. The CFD model combined with the above kinetics model was validated with one set of experimental data. The CFD model was also used to predict key reaction variable distributions such as the temperature and the component concentrations in the reactor.
本刊讯 记者吕俐 王艺静报道 近日,国家发改委、外交部、商务部联合发布《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》(以下简称《“一带一路”愿景与行动》)
Minerals are now being extracted from deep mines due to drying up of resource in shallow ground. The need for suitable supports and ground control mechanisms fo