由旅居美国纽约的北京人曹桂林所写的《北京人在纽约》,1991年由北京中国文联出版公司出版。 自传体小说《北京人在纽约》,既有作者自己在美国的生活经历的写照,又有虚构和想像的悲剧故事,万万没有想到,作者在书中虚构的新移民美国梦的破灭,在不到两年的时间里,却在作者自己的家里得到了验证。 畅销书名噪一时 曹桂林在书中叙述了美国新移民如何艰难地白手起家,开办针织品公司,创业后不久,公司破产女主人公被送进疯人院,女儿被杀害的凄凉故事。此书一出版,很快就在中国大陆成为轰动一时的畅销书。
“Beijingers in New York,” written by Cao Guilin, a Beijing native living in New York, USA, was published by Beijing China Federation of Literary and Art Circles in 1991. Autobiographical novel “Beijingers in New York”, both the author’s own life experience in the United States portrayal, there are fictional and imaginative tragedy, never imagined, the author in the book fictional immigrants the American dream burst, at Less than two years, but in the author’s own home has been verified. Best-selling book fame Cao Gui-lin in the book describes how the new immigrants from scratch how to start from scratch, start knitwear company, shortly after the venture, the bankruptcy heroine was sent to the asylum, his daughter was killed in the bleak story. The book was published, and soon became a sensation in the Chinese mainland bestseller.