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为做好青海省列入国家传统村落名录村庄的保护建设工作,防止出现过度开发、盲目建设、改造失当等建设性破坏,近日,省住房城乡建设厅会同省财政厅、省国土资源厅等7家单位制定印发了《青海省传统村落保护建设项目实施方案》,详细明确了传统村落保护建设的总体思路、基本原则、工作目标、专项资金补助范围和补助标准,并从以下四个方面提出了具体要求:一是严格项目审批许可制度。传统村落各类建设项目必须符合保护发展 In order to do a good job in the protection of Qinghai Province included in the list of villages in the construction of traditional villages, to prevent over-development, blind construction, improper reconstruction and other constructive damage, recently, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Construction in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Land and Resources 7 The unit formulated and implemented the Plan for the Implementation of the Project of Preserving and Protecting Traditional Villages in Qinghai Province, detailing the general ideas, basic principles, objectives, scope of special subsidies and subsidy standards for the traditional village protection and construction, and proposed the following four aspects Specific requirements: First, the strict project approval permit system. Traditional villages of all types of construction projects must comply with the protection and development