研究了含氮量在 11.2 %~ 13.6 %范围的硝化棉 (NC)和三醋酸甘油酯体系溶解及分子扩散动力学过程。重点研究了含氮量较均匀的中氮量 (12 .2 % ) NC的分子量分布及结晶度对扩散性能的影响。建立了 NC浓溶液区试样结晶度与扩散系数、稀溶液区扩散系数与 NC平均分子量间关系
The dissolution kinetics and molecular diffusion kinetics of nitrocellulose (NC) and triacetin in the range of 11.2% ~ 13.6% of nitrogen content were studied. The effect of molecular weight distribution and crystallinity on averaged nitrogen content (12.2%) NC with more uniform nitrogen content on the diffusion properties was investigated. The relationship between crystallinity and diffusion coefficient, diffusion coefficient of dilute solution zone and NC average molecular weight